The CDD Vault ELN allows users to duplicate ELN entries. This enables teams to work from pre-defined ELN templates and gives users the flexibility to repeat (similar) experiments without rewriting everything from scratch.
Duplicate entries
Within CDD Vault, users can duplicate each ELN entry one entry at a time. Simply click the "Duplicate" button located in the tool bar just under the ELN entry Title. This will generate a new ELN entry called "Duplicate of Entry - YOUR ELN TITLE" (in the case below: "Duplicate of Entry: Chemical Synthesis Template").
- The user who clicks "Duplicate" will be the author of this newly duplicated ELN entry.
- The duplicated ELN entry is considered a new ELN entry with a unique ELN ID.
- This allows the author to: move the ELN entry to any project that they have access to, change the title, update the ELN fields, and add/delete any data or attachments contained within the ELN entry.
- CDD Vault auto populates a breadcrumb link back to the previous ELN entry every time you click "Duplicate". This can be useful for version tracking and linking multistep experiments or synthesis.
Workflow Tips
Creating template ELN entries and duplicating those template is one of many ways this functionality can be part of your workflows! Creating ELN templates helps maintain easy adoption of certain business rules you might have with regards to ELN contents for CRO's, Biologists, and Chemists.
- Vault Administrators might consider making a project within your CDD Vault to house ELN templates.
- Group leaders and supervisors could create ELN entries in the ELN templates project and lock the entry (with the padlock icon beneath the ELN entry title) so that others cannot alter the template.
- Users can search this ELN Templates Project for a template that they would like to use, duplicate the template, and then edit the duplicated ELN entry as needed.