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Pick List Data Type

A CDD PickList is a data type that allows administrators and other responsible users to define a list of permissible values for certain data fields.



What is a pick list

PickList is a data type available for readout definitions in protocols and with batch fields. The pick list data type allows the responsible user to define a list of permissible values that may be entered into readout definitions and batch fields that are set up with the pick list data type. Only the values entered into the pick list will be permitted on import of new files, or on manual data entry. Values that are not on the list will be flagged as errors and not imported.

In this way the responsible users set up a data dictionary or controlled vocabulary list for each of the fields they wish to restrict and validate. Pick list data type is a good option for highly conserved values such as protocol conditions and for batch fields such as "Chemist Name".  

! Please note: pick lists are always text based (even if you only use numbers), therefore, calculations cannot be performed with pick-list based data !


Protocol readout pick list

For protocol readout definitions, the protocol owner/creator controls the data dictionary or the pick list values permissible for a given readout definition. Data such as phenotypes, cell lines, species, should be defined as pick lists. For each such readout definition, a new pick list will need to be defined. The protocol owner will need to update the pick list periodically to adjust the list for new entries, and archiving of the old entries.

Permitted values are not case sensitive, meaning values like "Human" vs "human", or "AFP" vs "aFP" will be considered equivalent. 


Define a pick list

To define a new field as a pick list, chose the option from the drop-down of available data types.


Then click on "Edit Pick List".

A new light-box window will pop up, where you can manually type values one at a time, or  or copy/paste an entire list of values.

Click "enter" after every manually entered value. Or simply copy/paste a list where entries are placed on different rows.


You will see a list start growing underneath the entry box. 

Be sure to "update picklist" before continuing. 


Edit a pick list

To update or edit an existing pick list, you will need to have a sufficient user role and privileges: 

  • For batch fields, a vault admin role is required.
  • For protocol readout definitions, you will need to be either the protocol owner/creator, or a full access user.

Navigate the the field you plan to edit, and click "Edit Pick List".


If you wish to edit a particular entry in the list, just click into the row and start editing. If this value is already used in the vault (has been previously imported), it will be automatically replaced using the newly entered value. For example any previously imported Species "Hu-man" will be replaced with "Human" after the update.


To delete an entry, click the "x" icon on the right. Note that is the icon is greyed out, this value is already being used by the previously imported data, and thus it may not be deleted. It may, however, be "archived."Screen_Shot_2017-03-07_at_11.03.02_AM.png
To "archive" or hide a list entry, click the "eye" icon. This option will prevent any new data from being imported for this value, but will allow users to search previously entered results. 



How are pick list results validated

CDD will validate new data against the values defined in the pick list, and will not allow any other values to be stored in the vault.

On manual data entry, the user will be presented with the drop-down list of permissible values, with no option to type in an alternate. The value may be left blank, unless it is set as a required field.

On import, if an invalid value is mapped for the pick list field, the import row will cause an error. Recall that when there is any error on an import row or SD file entry, the entire row/entry is rejected.



Permitted pick list values are not case sensitive, meaning values like "Human" vs "human", or "AFP" vs "aFP" will be considered equivalent and thus considered a match. All other values will be considered different and not a match for the stored pick list value. For instance in the above error example "humans" is not a valid species.