API GET calls objects can take a variety of parameters. These are specified in the URL using standard HTTP syntax.
GET /api/v1/vaults/23/protocols?projects=24888,45466&page_size=500&offset=2000
Parameters may be specified in any order. This documentation section describes parameters that are valid for all calls; individual calls define additional ones.
General Parameters (all optional).
These two parameters define the scope of the query. The default is to query all accessible projects and none of the public datasets.
projects |
comma-separated list of project ids |
data_sets |
comma-separated list of public dataset ids |
General Parameters for set-retrieval calls (all optional):
async | if set, do an asynchronous export (see below) Note: This is strongly recommended any time you want to download more than page_size results |
offset | The index of the first object actually returned. Defaults to 0. |
page_size | The maximum number of objects to return in this call. Default is 50, maximum is 1000. |
Asynchronous responses
When retrieving large data sets (i.e. larger than the maximum page size), we strongly recommend doing an asynchronous request. This uses the existing export mechanism which allows you to download all requested data in one go.
curl -H X-CDD-Token:$TOKEN 'https://app.collaborativedrug.com/api/v1/vaults/23/protocols?async=true'
Data is then retrieved using the Async Export.
Date formats
The CDD Vault API accepts ISO 8601 date/time formats in any API call that allows a date-type parameter. For example, the full date and timestamp may be used in GET calls that support a date parameter. You may still simply provide a date-only parameter like "created_after=2020-05-20".
You may also specify a date + timestamp, like "created_after= 2020-05-20 14:53:12", to indicate "20 May 2020 14:53:12 PDT" (PDT is based on the user's time zone setting). The timestamp portion can also include a UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) offset, like "created_after= 2020-05-27T14:48:40-07:00" which indicates that the time specified is -7 hours from the UTC time.