Information submitted through the support site is private but is not hosted within your secure CDD Vault. Please do not include sensitive intellectual property in your support requests.

Inventory_Samples [GET, POST, PUT, DELETE]

API calls related to Sample Inventory objects:







GET /api/v1/vaults/<vault_id>/inventory_samples

Returns Sample Inventory information for all Batches.

GET /api/v1/vaults/<vault_id>/inventory_samples?inventory_sample_ids=[123,321]

Returns Sample Inventory information using a list of Sample ID(s).


Note: You may also pass the inventory_sample_ids at the end of the url, like:

GET /api/v1/vaults/<vault_id>/inventory_samples/123


Note: You may also pass the inventory_sample_ids parameter as JSON, like:

GET /api/v1/vaults/<vault_id>/inventory_samples


GET /api/v1/vaults/<vault_id>/inventory_samples?batch_ids=[123456789,987654321]

Returns Sample Inventory information using a list of Batch ID(s).

Note: You may also pass the batch_ids parameter as JSON, like:

GET /api/v1/vaults/<vault_id>/inventory_samples



Query Parameters (all optional):

batch_ids Comma separated list of Batch ids
inventory_sample_ids Comma separated list of Sample ids
created_before Date (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss±hh:mm) 
created_after Date (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss±hh:mm) 
modified_before Date (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss±hh:mm) 
modified_after Date (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss±hh:mm) 
projects Comma-separated list of project ids
Defaults to all available projects
Limits scope of query
offset The index of the first object actually returned. Defaults to 0.
page_size The maximum number of objects to return in this call. Default is 50, maximum is 1000. If the response exceeds the page_size, we strongly recommend using the async option instead of downloading multiple chunks. Note: any page_size parameter used in an API GET call that also uses the async=true parameter will be ignored. The GET call will return all valid data for the given GET call.
async Boolean
If true, do an asynchronous export (see Async Export)
Use for large data sets. This is recommended any time you want to download more than page_size results. Note: any page_size parameter used in an API GET call that also uses the async=true parameter will be ignored. The GET call will return all valid data for the given GET call.


Example - Return Inventory Samples for a specified Batch

curl -H "X-CDD-Token: $TOKEN"<vault_id>/inventory_samples?batch_ids=[123456789]


    "count": 1,
    "objects": [
            "id": 368,
            "units": "mL",
            "created_at": "2023-11-01T15:57:39.910Z",
            "inventory_location_id": 1226,
            "inventory_location_position": 3,
            "slurp_id": 1869905,
            "current_amount": 100.0,
            "depleted": false,
            "batch_name": "001",
            "modified_at": "2023-11-02T00:19:32.173Z",
            "name": "CWT-0000010-001-CWT10-001-S1",
            "modified_user": null,
            "inventory_events": [
                    "id": 615,
                    "created_at": "2023-11-01T15:57:39.913Z",
                    "slurp_id": null,
                    "modified_at": "2023-11-01T15:57:39.913Z",
                    "modified_user": null,
                    "owner": "Charles Weatherall",
                    "fields": {}
                    "id": 616,
                    "created_at": "2023-11-01T15:57:39.915Z",
                    "slurp_id": 1869905,
                    "modified_at": "2023-11-01T15:57:39.915Z",
                    "modified_user": null,
                    "owner": "Charles Weatherall",
                    "fields": {
                        "Credit": 100.0,
                        "Location": {
                            "id": 1226,
                            "position": 3,
                            "value": "Krypton  Building 1  Freezer 1  Box 1  3/A3"
                        "Physical Form": "Solution",
                        "Tube Type": "Eppendorf",
                        "Ship Date": "2023-11-05"
            "owner": "Charles Weatherall",
            "fields": {
                "Sample ID": "CWT10-001-S1",
                "State": "Liquid",
                "Destination": "CRO"
            "location": "Krypton  Building 1  Freezer 1  Box 1  3/A3",
            "batch": 123456789


Example - Return Inventory Samples created after specified date

curl -H "X-CDD-Token: $TOKEN"<vault_id>/inventory_samples?created_after=2023-11-14


Notes on Date/Time Formats

The CDD Vault API accepts ISO 8601 date/time formats in any API call that allows a date-type parameter. For example, the full date and timestamp may be used in GET calls that support a date parameter. You may still simply provide a date-only parameter like "created_after=2020-05-20".

You may also specify a date + timestamp, like "created_after= 2020-05-20 14:53:12", to indicate "20 May 2020 14:53:12 PDT" (PDT is based on the user's time zone setting). The timestamp portion can also include a UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) offset, like "created_after= 2020-05-27T14:48:40-07:00" which indicates that the time specified is -7 hours from the UTC time.



POST /api/v1/vaults/<vault_id>/inventory_samples

Creates a new Sample for a specified Batch ID, including initial Inventory Sample Event information.

The body of the POST must contain a JSON structure specifying the Sample's attributes.


Allowed JSON keys for Samples and Inventory Events:


The internal Batch ID for which the new Sample will be created.


Used to specify the Units of the Sample's initial amount. Allowed values are:

  • g
  • kg
  • mg
  • µg
  • ng
  • mL
  • L
  • µL
  • M
  • mM
  • µM
  • count

Used to specify the user-defined Sample fields created by the Vault Administrator in the Settings > Vault > Sample/Inventory Fields tab.


Used to specify the user-defined Sample Inventory Event fields created by the Vault Administrator in the Settings > Vault > Sample/Inventory Fields tab.



curl -H "X-CDD-Token: $TOKEN" -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "@data.json"<vault_id>/inventory_samples

File data.json:

    "batch_id": 123456789,
    "units": "mg",
    "fields": {
            "Sample ID": "CWT011-001-S12",
     "inventory_events": [
            "Barcode": "CWT11S1abc",
            "Physical Form":"Dry",
            "Tube Type":"Vial",
            "Credit": 1000,
} } } ] }



    "id": 53182,
    "units": "mg",
    "created_at": "2024-05-03T14:12:45.862Z",
    "inventory_location_id": null,
    "inventory_location_position": null,
    "slurp_id": null,
    "current_amount": 1000.0,
    "depleted": false,
    "batch_name": "001",
    "modified_at": "2024-05-03T14:12:45.865Z",
    "name": "CWT-0000011-001-CWT011-001-S12",
    "modified_user": null,
    "inventory_events": [
            "id": 61283,
            "created_at": "2024-05-03T14:12:45.865Z",
            "slurp_id": null,
            "modified_at": "2024-05-03T14:12:45.865Z",
            "modified_user": null,
            "owner": "Charlie Weatherall",
            "fields": {
                "Barcode": "CWT11S12zzzz",
                "Physical Form": "Dry",
                "Tube Type": "Vial",
                "Credit": 1000.0
    "owner": "Charlie Weatherall",
    "fields": {
        "Sample ID": "CWT011-001-S12",
        "State": "Powder"
    "location": null,
    "batch": 123456789
    "owner": "Charlie Weatherall",
    "fields": {
        "Sample ID": "CWT011-001-S1",
        "State": "Powder"



You may specify a Location when creating a new Sample.  The "Location" parameter is passed in the JSON as part of the "inventory_events" > "fields" section. The "Location parameter" accepts a Location id and position. 

In my example above, the GET inventory_locations API call returned with a Location like this:


"id": 1212,
"class": "inventory location",
"created_at": "2023-10-30T18:25:41.779Z",
"modified_at": "2023-10-30T18:25:41.779Z",
"filled_position_count": 0,
"num_columns": 8,
"num_rows": 8,
"parent_id": 1211,
"position_limit": 64,
"value": "Box 1"


Since the "filled_position_count" was currently set to 0, I could use a "position" of 1 for my Location id of 1212 when creating my new Sample above.





PUT /api/v1/vaults/<vault_id>/inventory_samples

Updates an existing Sample to create a new Sample Inventory Event row.



curl -H "X-CDD-Token: $TOKEN" -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "@data.json"<vault_id>/inventory_samples/<sample_id>

File data.json:

     "inventory_events": [
            "Barcode": "CWT11S2defz",
            "Physical Form":"Dry",
            "Tube Type":"Vial",
            "Debit": 10



    "current_amount": 980.0,
    "inventory_location_id": null,
    "inventory_location_position": null,
    "units": "mg",
    "id": 2392,
    "created_at": "2023-11-08T20:11:20.027Z",
    "slurp_id": null,
    "depleted": false,
    "batch_name": "001",
    "modified_at": "2024-05-03T14:16:25.506Z",
    "name": "CWT-0000011-001-CWT011-001-S1",
    "modified_user": "Charlie Weatherall",
    "inventory_events": [
            "id": 3691,
            "created_at": "2023-11-08T20:11:20.029Z",
            "slurp_id": null,
            "modified_at": "2023-11-08T20:11:20.029Z",
            "modified_user": null,
            "owner": "Charlie Weatherall",
            "fields": {
                "Credit": 1000.0,
                "Physical Form": "Dry",
                "Barcode": "CWT11S1abc",
                "Tube Type": "Vial"
            "id": 3693,
            "created_at": "2023-11-08T20:45:32.907Z",
            "slurp_id": null,
            "modified_at": "2023-11-08T20:45:32.907Z",
            "modified_user": null,
            "owner": "Charlie Weatherall",
            "fields": {
                "Debit": 10.0,
                "Physical Form": "Dry",
                "Barcode": "CWT11S1def",
                "Tube Type": "Vial"
            "id": 61284,
            "created_at": "2024-05-03T14:16:25.505Z",
            "slurp_id": null,
            "modified_at": "2024-05-03T14:16:25.505Z",
            "modified_user": null,
            "owner": "Charlie Weatherall",
            "fields": {
                "Barcode": "CWT11S1defz",
                "Physical Form": "Dry",
                "Tube Type": "Vial",
                "Debit": 10.0
    "owner": "Charlie Weatherall",
    "fields": {
        "Sample ID": "CWT011-001-S1",
        "State": "Powder"
    "location": null,
    "batch": 123456789




DELETE /api/v1/vaults/<vault_id>/inventory_samples/<id>

Samples can now be deleted via the API as long as they are not associated with a plate-well or readout row. Once a job starts it cannot be canceled.


curl -H "X-CDD-Token: $TOKEN" -X DELETE<vault_id>/inventory_samples/<sample_id>



    "message": "Inventory sample with ID 3438 has been destroyed"
