Returns the current state of a CDD Vault. Information on processes like calculations, imports/slurps, on-going exports, etc are provided with this new API call. Additionally, news on the overall CDD Vault server status, along with planned windows of downtime, is provided.
This endpoint requires the user to be a Vault Administrator.
GET /api/v1/vaults/$VAULT_ID/status
curl -H "X-CDD-Token: $TOKEN"
"max_executing_account_slurps": 3,
"num_executing_account_slurps": 0,
"any_locking_chemistry_slurps": false,
"any_executing_batch_move_job": false,
"slurps": [],
"recalculating_protocols": [],
"application_status": {
"processors_available": true,
"calculators_available": true
When an import (slurp) is active, the "slurps" section of the JSON resembles this:
"max_executing_account_slurps": 3,
"num_executing_account_slurps": 1,
"slurps": [
"id": 2051087,
"state": "processing",
"chemistry_locking": false,
"modified_at": "2024-03-13T13:09:49.000Z",
"owner": {
"id": 6021,
"first_name": "Charlie",
"last_name": "Weatherall",
"email": ""
"project": {
"id": 3483,
"name": "CQ Test"
Note: the available slurps "state" reported in the above JSON includes:
- processing
- processed
- committing
If calculations are running in the Vault, This API call returns JSON that also includes information similar to this:
"recalculating_protocols": [ { "name": "My Inhibition Screen", "id": 17477, "projects": [ { "id": 3546, "name": "CW Test" }, { "id": 3483, "name": "CQ Test" } ] } ],
Finally, when the number of slurps exceeds the max_executing_account_slurps, the JSON returned will include queued_job_position and queued_slurp_position details.