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Sample-level Inventory

Sample-level Inventory is fully integrated into your CDD Vault. To activate it, contact Your Vault Administrator will need to configure your Vault to add fields at both the Sample-level and the Inventory Event level.

Building on our Parent Entity to Batch hierarchy, you can now track Samples, including full inventory and location details.


Once the Vault Administrator configures the Sample-level Inventory fields, a new tab is available for viewing/editing/creating Samples and Sample Events such as debit, credit or change in location.




Available actions here include:

  • Creating a new Sample
  • Depleting a Sample
  • Editing a Sample
  • Creating a new Sample Event

Expanding an existing Sample panel will show the Events that have been posted for the Sample. 



In addition to manually creating new Samples and new Events using this new Samples tab, Samples and Events can be created in bulk via the Import Data tab.


This new Sample:



… was created by importing this file:


A sample can also be created when we register a new entity by selecting the box "Create a New Sample" at the bottom of the page.