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How to delete a plate map?

You have just finished importing a compound library with plate information and other associated compound data. You realize that you have mapped your plates incorrectly, and compounds are in wrong wells. How can you undo the import and delete plate map data?


First, decide what data was loaded incorrectly. If the only problems are with plate maps, you will simply need to delete the plates (also known as plate maps). Please look at the articles If you have registered incorrect new batches, incorrect batch salt code, and/or added wrong user defined fields.

Plates may be deleted one at a time, as long as there is no assay data associated to them. If the mistake was made some time ago, and assay data is now associated to the plate, the data will need to be deleted first before the plate itself can be deleted. Once the incorrect assay data is deleted, you can delete the incorrect plate map and import the corrected plate map and re-import the assay associated to the updated map. Since you did not delete any of the compounds by doing this, you will not need to load all of the compound data again - you will just need to import plate and well information, existing compound and batch IDs, and the appropriate assay data.

  1. Go to Explore Data tab-> Plates sub-tab -> click Plate Name
  2. At the bottom of the side-panel, click Delete this plate
  3. Click "remove access".
  4. For each project that the plate belongs to, click "remove". (Note: if the "Remove" is greyed out, this indicates that there is still assay associated to this plate so you will need to remove it prior to plate removal.) Once all of the projects have been removed, the plate will be deleted. The compounds and batches that were associated with the plate have not been deleted, but their association with the deleted plate has been removed.
  5. Repeat for each plate, but if you have created hundreds of plates, and do not wish to do this manually, contact support for additional help. When you contact us, please include:
    • Your vault's name
    • List of plate names
  6. To import the correct plate information, create a file that contains plate name, well position, compound name, and batch name. You should not import all the compound's molecule and batch field data again, and use existing compound and batch names.