Available vault-level user roles ELN User Roles
Collections and Saved Searches Structure Masking
Available vault-level user roles:
The user role is a combination of vault level and project level access. A user's role should be determined primarily at the vault level.
- Read Only: Users are only able to view and search data, and post to the message board (without attachments). Users can not export or download any data.
- Read Download: Users are only able to view and search data, and post to the message board (without attachments). Users can not export or but are allowed to download any file attachments.
- Read Export: In addition to read only privileges, these users are able to export their search results from CDD and to download any attached documents. This access level is appropriate for collaborators and managers who will query the results, but have no need to import anything. Downloadable documents include any raw data files that were imported into CDD, and any attached documents (attached to protocol, run, readouts, molecule, batch, and plate records). Data exports are comprised of search results from the "Explore Data" tab.
TIP: To create a read-export user who can also post message attachments, create a Read Add user at the vault level and restrict his access to read-only at the project level (see this articles for details).
- Read Add-Biology: In addition to read export privileges, these users are able to define protocols and import their data, but not permitted to register of edit molecules. They are allowed to record inventory debits for batches. This access level is appropriate for most biologists that do not deal with compound structures.
Note that for biological data import, there are two distinct activities- defining the protocol, and importing the data. Read Add-Biology are able to define their own protocol, and to import data to a protocol created by another user, but they are not able to edit the protocol definition created by another user.
- Read Add: Users are able to add their own biological and chemical data, but are not permitted to edit anyone else's data. This is the recommended access level for most regular users.
- Full Access-Biology: Users are able to define their own protocol definitions, import their own protocol data, edit/delete protocol definitions created by other users, and edit/delete protocol data owned by other users. They are not, however, permitted to register or edit any molecules. They are allowed to record inventory debits for batches. This access level is appropriate for senior level biologists, who will be overseeing a team of other biologists.
- Full Access: Users are able to define their own protocol definitions, import their own protocol data, edit/delete protocol definitions created by other users, and edit/delete protocol data owned by other users. Additionally, they are able to register, edit and delete all batches/molecules/entities that their project membership allows them to access. This is a powerful access level, with potential for serious errors, and should be limited to one or two super-users.
- Vault Admin: This user role has three privileges in addition to all other access - to change vault settings and configure terminology, to add new members to projects, and to approve data for publication to CDDs' public domain.
- Account Admin: The user role is only applied to a person when they are the vault administrator of every vault in a company's account. Click here for more information on account administration.
- See this article for Project User Roles.
ELN User Roles
ELN usage fits into the above framework as follows:
Anyone with "Add" permissions, can create entries, including inserting structures. To register chemical structures into the Vault, you require "Read Add", whereas for protocol data import only, "Read add Biology" is sufficient.
Please note, that with "Full Access Biology" and above, user's can edit other's ELN entries. With "Read Add" level and below, only reading is possible.
Collections and Saved Searches User Roles
Collections and Saved Searches fit into the above framework as follows:
All CDD Vault user roles can:
Create and edit their own Collections and Saved Searches.
Share Collections and Saved Searches that they have created with other CDD Vault Projects that they belong to.
Please note, that with "Full Access Biology" and above, user's can edit other's Collections and Saved Searches. With "Read Add" level and below, only viewing another user's Collections and Saved Searches is possible.
Structure Masking
This feature is available to blind specific users from seeing any structures in a vault. It is a great tool when giving a CRO access to your vault. They can have access to the data in the projects they are a member of, but they will not be able to see any structures nor chemical properties registered to those projects. Structure masking a user will disable their ability to use the ELN.
If you would like to masks structures from a user/list of users, please contact CDD Support.
Please note: CDD Support cannot set a CDD Vault user to be structure masked if they have a user role that allows them to register structures. So, it is impossible to mask a user who can register Molecule records.
The reverse is also true - a Vault Administrator cannot change the user role of a currently structure-masked user to one that allows the registration of Molecule records. (Since the user role of a masked user can not allow the registration of Molecules, they cannot even register a Molecule record that contains no-structure.)